Sunday, May 29, 2011


I received these photos from Gunnar at Fantasilaboratoriet who is working on the wood star. I think his solution of the construction looks great. I'm excited to see his progress with the work.
Hanåsa Sågverk delivered the wood for the star.

The construction.
This will be the profile.
Photos: Gunnar Englund.


So what's been going on exept for working on the stars? I have spent a lot of time at Ölands Folkhögskola working with my students the two last weeks of their year at Basår Design. I have also been teaching at Linnaeus University. This week I had the privilege to be one of the teacher opponents for the bachelor students final examination at the Design Programme. They all presented really intreseting projects. Good luck to all of you!
There was an opportunity to see some great art at Wanås skulptural park two weeks ago. Here I am climbing one of Yoko Onos ladders in her ladder piece at the opening May 15. Photo: Elin Stenberg
And here's ms Ono. Photo: Wanås Konst, Sweden


About three weeks ago I was able to deliver the two models to the foundry. This after I got the stainless steel inserts for the fountation ready. The will be cast in to the aluminium. The inserts were fabricated by Nybro Rör och Mekaniska. A small mechanical workshop located in Nybro, about 20 km from my studio. Many thanks to Bengt Selander and the other guys at the shop.
These are the people making it happen at the foundry, Mönsterås Metall. We decided to cast the smaller star in a slghtly harder quality of aluminium. I plan to polish it and the harder surface will make it easyer to polish. The thickness of the goods will be roughly 20 mm.
I got a call from Jan this week telling me they have casted both stars. They are now delivered to another shop were the halves will be welded together.